Hip Hop

Teachers - Jessica Keohane, Reikki Lenferna & Olivia Herridge

Tuesday: 4.00 - 5.00pm Junior
Wednesday: 6.00 - 7.00pm Advanced

Our Hip Hop Classes are a modern representation that refers to street dance style primarily performed to hip hop music that has evolved as part of the hip hop culture. These classes provide each of our students with an opportunity to ignite their passion for and develop their ability to dance in an environment which is encouraging and supportive. We hold two hip hop classes - Junior and Advanced both classes follow a similar structure of a full body warm up, a range of combinations which develops your child’s technique and skill level, followed by time to learn and rehearse choreography. The genre of hip hop is ever changing and as our students grow, they can be exposed to all sorts of styles within hip hop. Both classes usually perform one to two items in our annual concert to display the skills they have been working so hard on throughout the the year.



